Jumat, 21 September 2007

TiPs Membuat 'Straight News'

Dalam mata kuliah psikodiagnostik wawancara, mahasiswa juga dilatih tentang bagaimana melakukan wawancara sederhana dan menuliskan laporannya dalam bentuk berita singkat macam 'Straight News' ini.

Berikut ringkasan tips membuat 'Straight News', sehingga dapat dibedakan nantinya dengan jenis tulisan 'Feature' dan 'Berita Analisis' yang tingkatannya lebih tinggi.

Btw, ini sebenernya mata kuliah untuk psikologi apa untuk anak FIKOM sih?
Hehehe, pokoknya lengkap deh, materi yang diberikan mulai dari wawancara sederhana, wawancara untuk kepentingan penelitian, wawancara rekrutmen, hingga wawancara ala journalis dan wawancara untuk kepentingan diagnosa psikologis tentunya. Yah semoga keburu aja waktunya yaa....

Six rules for writing straight news leads

By Ken Blake, Ph.D.
Middle Tennessee State University

Every news story begins with a lead (pronounced LEED), so learning to write a good lead is the first step in learning to write a good story. Journalists use many different styles of leads, depending on the situation. But most media writing students begin by learning the simplest and most common style: the straight news lead. Below are six rules for writing good straight news leads.

Rule #1: A straight news lead should be a single paragraph consisting of a single sentence, should contain no more than 30 words, and should summarize, at minimum, the most newsworthy "what," "where" and "when" of the story.

  • Example: "Fire destroyed a house on Main Street early Monday morning."
    • The lead is a single-sentence paragraph. Note, please, that a lead should be written in ordinary English, not the clipped phrasing reserved for headlines like "Main Street home destroyed in early morning fire." Headlines, which appear in large print above the stories they introduce, are written that way to conserve space.
    • It contains 10 words -- far fewer than the 30-word limit. Notice that the word count includes even little words like "a" and "on."
    • It summarizes the main "what" of the story, which is that fire destroyed a house.
    • It also provides the "where" of the story with the phrase "on Main Street."
    • Finally, it gives the "when" of the story with the phrase "early Monday morning."
    • Important note: There are some mental gymnastics involved in correctly conveying the "when" of a newspaper story. Suppose, for example, that today is Monday, and the fire happened this morning. You might be tempted to write the lead like this: "Fire destroyed a house on Main Street early this morning." And doing so would be just fine if your lead were going to be published that same day. But most newspapers get printed overnight and distributed the following morning. That means that a reader who picks up the paper Tuesday morning and reads that the fire occurred "this morning" will inaccurately assume that "this morning" means "Tuesday morning." To avoid this problem, you have to write the lead - and, indeed, the entire story - so that it will be accurate when read during the reader's time frame: "Fire destroyed a house on Main Street early Monday morning."
Rule #2: The lead's first verb should express the main "what" of the story and should be placed among the lead's first seven words.
  • Example: "Fire destroyed a house on Main Street early Monday morning."
    • The verb "destroyed" expresses the main "what" of the story.
    • "Destroyed" is the lead's second word -- a position that puts "destroyed" well in front of "Street," the lead's seventh word.
    • Again, notice that the word count includes even little words like "a" and "on."
    • There are no other verbs in front of "destroyed," so "destroyed" is the lead's first verb.
    • Following this rule will force you to quickly tell readers what the story is about.
Rule #3: The lead's first verb -- the same one that expresses the main "what" of the story -- should be active voice, not passive voice.
  • A verb is active voice if the verb's subject did, is doing, or will do something.
    • Example: "Fire destroyed a house on Main Street early Monday morning."
    • "Destroyed" is the verb.
    • "Fire" is the verb's subject.
    • "Fire" did something. It destroyed.
  • A verb is passive voice if the verb's subject had, is having, or will have something done to it.
    • Example: "A house was destroyed by fire on Main Street early Monday morning."
    • "Was" is the verb.
    • "House" is the verb's subject.
    • "House" had something done to it. It "was destroyed."
Rule #4: If there's a "who" involved in the story, the lead should give some indication of who the "who" is.
  • First example: "An elderly Murfreesboro man died Monday when an early morning fire raged through his Main Street home."
    • The "who" is "an elderly Murfreesboro man."
    • In this case, the "who" probably isn't someone whose name readers would recognize.
    • As a result, the "who" angle of the lead focuses on what things about the "who" might make the "who" important to the reader. In this case, it's the fact that the man was older and lived in Murfreesboro. That's called writing a "blind lead." The man's name will be given later in the story.
  • Second example: "Murfreesboro Mayor Joe Smith died Monday when an early morning fire raged through his Main Street home."
    • Smith is the local mayor, and most readers probably will recognize his name.
    • As a result, the lead gives his name.
Rule #5: The lead should summarize the "why" and "how" of the story, but only if there's room.
  • Example: "An elderly Murfreesboro man died early Monday morning when fire sparked by faulty wiring raged through his Main Street home."
    • "... fire ... raged through his Main Street home ..." explains why the man died.
    • "... sparked by faulty wiring ..." explains how the blaze began.
Rule #6: If what's in the lead needs to be attributed, place the attribution at the end of the lead
  • Example: "Faulty wiring most likely sparked the blaze that claimed the life of an elderly Murfreesboro man last week, the city's arson investigator concluded Monday."
    • Attribution is simply a reference indicating the source of some bit of information.
    • In this case, the attribution is the phrase, "the city's arson investigator concluded Monday."
    • Generally, attribute assertions that represent anything other than objective, indisputable information.
      • Here, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the man is dead, that his house was destroyed, that it all happened early Monday morning, and that he house was on Main Street.
      • But the arson investigator's assertion that faulty wiring caused the blaze represents the investigator's opinion (based, of course, upon his training and expertise - but an opinion nonetheless). Therefore, the assertion needs to be attributed to the investigator so readers can decide how credible the assertion is.

Sabtu, 15 September 2007

TaNpa pSikoMeTri, Psikolog = duKuN ?

PSikoMetri tuh apaan sih??

Dari asal katanya pSiko dan Metri, bisa ditebak klo definisinya adalah gak jauh2 dari ilmu tentang Metri2-an alias pengukuran (MEaSuReMeNt). Trus karena psiko = jiwa (yang teraktualisasi dalam 'perilaku'), maka pengukurannya tentu terkait dengan pengukuran PERILAKU.

tRus emang pErilaku bisa diukur gitu??
Yee...dengerin nih diktumnya si Thorndike: "If a thing exists, it exists in some amount. And if it exists in some amount, it can be measured"
Nah, since 'perilaku' adalah bagian dari 'a thing', maka sebenarnya ia mengandung 'jumlah'/memiliki besaran, maka tentu bisa diukur.

Tapi ingeettt yaaa, yang diukurnya itu adalah cuman SAMPEL perilakunya aja, since dalam metodologi ilmu pengetahuan, hanya sampel lah yang diambil, yang dianggap dapat mewakili sebuah populasi. Sebab kemampuan manusia ya terbatas lhooo gak bisa nge-handle semua populasi.

*self-talk: secara ya, 'perilaku' itu kan sifatnya latent, dinamis, un-stable, bakalan banyak banget dunk errornya wlo sedemikian rupa pengukuran perilaku ini di kontrol dan dimanipulasi??
*jawaban self-tak: ya iya lha, skeptis pastinya ama nih elmu psikologi, hehehe..., tapi tenang tenaaang semua elmu itu ujung2nya juga akan membawa kita kepada ke-skeptis-an, gak ada kepastian bagi apapun di dunia ini..... :D
tRus belaJar PsiKoMetri Fungsi atau manfaatnya buat apa??
jawaban ngenye' nya sih gini: biar bisa ngebedain antara kita (yang men-declair-kan diri sebagai ilmuwan psikologi) dengan para dukun yang juga punya keahlian sama dengan kita (sama2 bisa ngutak-atik 'dunia dalam' seseorang). hehe, pisss pak dukun, satu guru satu ilmu nih sebenernya kitee :D

--bersambung, belom selese nih--

Nulis Buku, Bu Dosen!

Membaca sebuah posting di sebuah blog, tentang pentingnya kegiatan tulis-menulis bagi seorang akademisi, membuat saya 'tersindir'. Sebab, seorang akademisi dapat dilihat kredibilitas akademiknya dari karya tulisnya.

Ini tidak berarti bahwa kalangan akademisi yg tidak mempunyai karya ilmiah sama sekali sebagai bodoh. Tidak. Ia bisa saja pintar, bahkan mungkin saja lebih pintar dari yg menulis. Tapi, tanpa memiliki karya bagaimana orang lain tahu bahwa ia memiliki kapabilitas/kemampuan akademis yg mumpuni? Bagaimana orang tidak akan meragukan ijazah dan titelnya yg berderet-deret? Dan pada tataran praksis, bagaimana ia dapat mencapai kredit poin untuk menjadi profesor apabila tanpa memiliki karya tulis?

Berikut kutipannya dari www.fatihsyuhud.com

"Seorang akademisi baru dianggap pakar yg kredibel dan patut didengar kata-katanya kalau dia sudah membuahkan karya tulis, terutama yg berbentuk buku. Baik itu berupa kumpulan tulisan pendek atau karya utuh. Tanpa itu, janganlah merasa bangga hanya karena telah berhasil menjadi dosen. Karena kredibilitas kedosenan/akademisi Anda masih dipertanyakan banyak orang.

Nah, apakah seorang akademisi yg tak memiliki karya tulis pantas dianggap pakar? Apakah gelar M.A. dan Ph.D belum cukup untuk menjadi akademisi pakar yg kredibel? Tentu saja bisa. Akan tetapi masalahnya adalah, pertama, siapakah yg tahu akan kepakaran anda bila tidak menulis? Kedua, bagaimana kita dapat mengklaim diri sebagai pakar apabila keilmuan kita belum teruji dan dikritisi selain oleh mahasiswa sendiri yg umumnya akan berpikir dua kali untuk mengkritisi dosennya. Aturan tak tertulis dalam dunia kompetisi adalah semakin teruji kualitas seseorang di “medan tempur”, maka akan semakin tinggi kualitas orang tsb.

Dalam lingkup nasional dan internasional, akademisi yg belum memiliki karya tulis (published articles, atau buku), belum dianggap pakar, walaupun dia sudah bergelar M.A. atau Ph.D. Sebaliknya, walaupun baru lulus S1 tapi kalau sudah menulis buku bisa dianggap akademisi pakar. "

Hum, hum, hum ...

Jadi inget kata2nya Pak Hanna Djumhana Bastaman di Bukunya 'Logoterapi':
"Pesan2 pada para dosen muda, agar dari sekarang mulai menulis karya2 ilmiah di bidang masing2, supaya kelak tidak merasa 'berutang akademis' seperti yang saya (Pak Hanna.red) alami. Janganlah kelak saat memasuki dan menjalani masa pensiun baru menyadari betapa kecilnya karya bakti kita kepada almamater."

Hum, hum, hum ...

Rabu, 12 September 2007

TakDir MenJadi doSEn

giNi nih, punYa oTak yg Gak bisa diem, maunya mikir muluuu N apa aja dipikirin.

hmf, hmf, pf,...jd doSen tuh taKdir bukan yA?
tRus tapi kan TakdIr pun ada Peran kita di sana? alias, ya karena secara kognisi afeksi dan konasi mengarahkan gerak tubuh gw ke sana...maaa..ka...kejadian deh
*ah terlalu percaya ama gembar-gembor 'mind power' nih*

God, boleh ngintip ruang kerjamu gak?? pliiss??